The Three Graces

A Word from Michael: The Three Graces in Renaissance times were known as the hand maidens of the goddess, Venus. They were normally representing beauty, chastity, and pleasure because Venus was known as the goddess of love. This love is of an earthly or physical love. However, in earlier Platonic times, the Greeks had a […]

Tiger, Tiger

The explanation of this drawing is found in the last two stanzas of the poem, The Tiger, By William Blake, the 18th century poet and mystic. In this wonderfully simple poem by Blake, he asks the ultimate question, ‘How could a God, that is all good, create its opposite? How could a God that made […]

Shade of the Rose

She hides in the shade of the rose listening to the hypnotic hum of the bees, the bright , swift hummingbird flickers. In the summer stillness and heat, the garden is at peace.

Royal Cheetah

I am particularly fond of Cheetahs as they are the oldest of the cat family on earth. As early at 3,000 BC they were caught, tamed, and kept by humans. The early Egyptians considered them as one of their gods and they became a symbol of royalty. Hence, the name of this drawing is called, […]


A Word from Michael: “Primavera” portrays feelings. I wanted to create the feeling of warmth and of well being. It gives thought of renewal and beauty after the darkness of winter. Everything is Becoming. I chose to call it ‘Primavera’ as the name in Italian (and Spanish) has a gracefulness in itself that the English […]


A note from Michael Parkes: In Mayan legend, as long as the beautiful colors of the quetzals flashed across the jungle canopy, the Mayan culture would never die. The Mayan culture, like the Egyptian culture at its height, is not be confused with the degenerate end of those civilizations when human sacrifices were common. The […]

Golden Lotus

A Word from Michael: To my surprise, while looking through my archive drawer recently, I found the beginnings of the Golden Lotus. It was only just blocked in. But it captured a feeling that I have about the present time on Earth. Although the Golden Lotus was another version of the idea that eventually became […]