The Muse

The infinite universe is her playground, the stars are her home. As she flies the rarified space between the worlds and she thinks of him. Descending, she focuses the impressions of her journey so he might understand, Condensing her universal language into human thought. The artist sits at his easel looking out at the sea, […]

The Letter

A note from Michael Parkes—It was originally titled The Angel of Corintha. I had envisioned an angel reading St. Paul’s famous text on love to the Corinthians. The angel is reading it for the first time and is deeply touched. Part of the quote from the Corinthians is, If I speak in the tongues of […]

The Last Lion

A note from Michael Parkes—This is a sculpture of one of my most well known images. Because so many people were enamored with the image, I thought it would make an interesting and powerful sculpture. The message is the same as the painting’s message: After millions of years the king of beasts exists, but only […]

The Guardian

A note from Michael Parkes—She is the guardian of our Earth. There are such guardians for each of the worlds that carry Life. Some call her Mother Nature; some call her Gaia. Also available in Traditional Brown Patina

Summer Storm

Michael’s inspiration was from a quote that he likes “A Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass….it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. A note from Michael Parkes—”I wanted to create the sense of a hot summer day with a storm about to break. As children, a summer storm meant […]